Attiviste e attivisti, accademici e accademiche, organizzazioni sociali diverse da tanti paesi europei e non solo si incontrano per connettere il pensiero e l’azione dei movimenti pacifista, antirazzista, per la giustizia climatica, femminista, del lavoro e della giustizia sociale. Plenarie, gruppi di lavoro, eventi culturali e feste. Pensato da Transform Europa e organizzato insieme a diverse reti europee e italiane, inclusa Arci, CGIL, Esc, Communia.
Alcuni workshop si terranno al Malafronte, con la traduzione simultanea inglese/italiano via zoom: per la traduzione, bisogna avere con sé un telefono o un computer.
La partecipazione è aperta. Per chi è di Roma, o può passare due giorni a Roma, è una bella occasione per incontrare tanto attivismo di tutta Europa.
Il programma è consultabile sul sito: https://future-factory.org/
Di seguito i workshop che si svolgeranno al Malafronte:
16/06/23, h 10:00
SPEAKERS: Brid Brennan, Tatiana Moutihno
FULL DESCRIPTION: This participatory space will focus principally on the struggles challenging Corporate Power with a brief introductory framing on current capitalism and neoliberalism looking at “Europe in its “Peripheries” and at Europe-Global South contexts. The debate will further focus on campaigns such as: The Just Cause-the case vs ENI (Italy); the experience of the garment industry struggles in Serbia; and the Global Campaign – Dismantle Corporate Power: the struggle to regulate TNCs at the UNHRC and of corporate capture of global governance and the multilateral system. There will be opportunity also to exchange on other campaign experiences. We will also explore the obstacles to building transnational solidarity and exchange on strategies that go beyond our silos and strengthen convergences that can more effectively challenge corporate power. The zoom link for the simulteneous English/Italian interpretation is: https://arci-it.zoom.us/j/81802689822?pwd=ZnI5QktKUEU0eTBPVDBHM0Q1TVdXdz09. To be able to listen to the interpretation in your preferred language in real time, make sure you have a device with the Zoom app and headphones with you.
16/06/23, h 11:30
SPEAKERS: Federica Giardini, Nela Porobic
MODERATION: Heidi Meinzolt
FULL DESCRIPTION: This workshop will explore different forms of reproduction and care, seeking to understand how our practices can best be connected to overall demands for social justice, environmental sustainability, and equality between people and countries. We seek to explore how these practices can be (re)shaped and used to confront and resist capital accumulation, capitalist exploitation, and oppression. We strive towards grounding the workshop in our collective experience and knowledge. With that in mind the workshop will be a space for dialogue, exchange of experiences and co-creation and visioning of how reproduction and care for a just, sustainable, and solidary world can look like. The zoom link for the simulteneous English/Italian interpretation is: https://arci-it.zoom.us/j/81802689822?pwd=ZnI5QktKUEU0eTBPVDBHM0Q1TVdXdz09. To be able to listen to the interpretation in your preferred language in real time, make sure you have a device with the Zoom app and headphones with you.
16/06/23, h 14:30
SPEAKERS: Andrea Marikovsky, Heidi Meinzolt, Patrizia Sterpetti, Saskia Basa
FULL DESCRIPTION: A participatory social art workshop. There is no peace without Care. Care is costly, most of the value generated though Care work does not appear in the official budgets, financial flows, or economic balances of national households. But Care-works helps to survive crisis. It is expensive and investment in the care economy does not appear attractive within a capitalist logic since it does not allow accumulation. Investment in it is, however, a must if one looks at it from the viewpoint of citizens’ needs and the obligation to respect human dignity, two essential factors of positive peace. Care means taking responsibility, for nature, for others, for the future. If NO CARE – NO PEACE. Our workshop opens up this idea giving time to each other, to small things, to conversations, to creativity, to conviviality. We invite you to be involved in a participatory play including art pictures. We will use them as tools to meet characters, conflicts and form of cooperation, and through dialogue create a new piece together. This workshop will be in EN.
17/06/23, h 10:00
SPEAKERS: Dario Salvetti, Hillary Wainwright, Marco Bersani, Pietro Cardelli, Vito Scalisi
FULL DESCRIPTION: The workshop will present the case of resistance and struggle of the men and women workers of GKN after the mass layoff (442 people) on July 9, 2021, suddenly communicated through whatsapp messages and emails, despite the fact that GKN was a solid and profitable factory. The goal of ownership-an investment fund-is to further maximize profits by relocating the company to a country where labor costs are lower than in Italy. The timely mobilization of the workers and the Florentine and Tuscan social fabric sets in motion a unique experience of social and union struggle capable of creating a community of sharing that includes all the local civil society with national and international cultural and solidarity circuits. The workshop will present GKN’s new industrial project for the production of cargo bikes, the results of the GKN for Future crowdfunding campaign, and the next steps in a struggle that, amidst ups and downs, is not yet over. Speakers: Dario Salvetti, spokesman for the factory collective GKN Marco Bersani, national coordinator of Attac Italia Pietro Cardelli, Arci Firenze secretariat Vito Scalisi, Arci Roma president Hillary Wainwright, Transnational Institute and Redpepper magazine The zoom link for the simulteneous English/Italian interpretation is: https://arci-it.zoom.us/j/81802689822?pwd=ZnI5QktKUEU0eTBPVDBHM0Q1TVdXdz09. To be able to listen to the interpretation in your preferred language in real time, make sure you have a device with the Zoom app and headphones with you.
17/06/23, h 11:30
SPEAKERS: Ci vuole un reddito
FULL DESCRIPTION: The pandemic emergency first, and the war later, had a very hard impact on the weakest groups, worsening a context already deeply marked by social inequalities. In fact, since 2020, labour incomes have shrunk again, unlike those of the highest brackets: today in our country, the 40 richest billionaires hold the equivalent of the net wealth of the 30% of the poorest and poorest, or 18 million adults. Data that show how poverty and inequality in our country go together, while the rising cost of living only increases the distance between the poorest and richest income classes. In a world of work characterised by the growth of low value-added jobs, the boom of involuntary part-time work, the spread of undeclared work and precarious contracts, with low wages and the absence of a minimum wage, rising housing costs, the slimming down of municipal social services, Italy remains one of the very few countries to have no income measures after the abolition of the “Citizenship income” by the new Government. With all its limitations, in recent years the “Citizenship income” has played a key role in the social stability of our country: it has protected a significant segment of the population by enabling them to cross the poverty line and make ends meet. Through a comparison with other countries and with realities aligned against exploitation and for minimum incomes and wages, the campaign Ci vuole un reddito (It takes an income) questions us on how to oppose the vision of a precarious world of work and proposes principles to adopt a minimum income in Italy as well. moderators and speakers: activist of the Campaign “Ci vuole un reddito” (It takes an income) The zoom link for the simulteneous English/Italian interpretation is: https://arci-it.zoom.us/j/81802689822?pwd=ZnI5QktKUEU0eTBPVDBHM0Q1TVdXdz09. To be able to listen to the interpretation in your preferred language in real time, make sure you have a device with the Zoom app and headphones with you.